Vladimir grew up in Ruse, Bulgaria, and in his student years he moved to live in Varna. As a child, he often spent his summers in Burgas, where together with his grandfather often crafted various objects. Thanks to these activities as a child, Vladimir now perfectly combines quick thinking, creativity and craftsmanship in his photography. His interest in photography manifested itself early on when his father gave him his first camera. It was then that he took his first photographs and disassembled the camera to study it from the inside. Vladimir grew up with this passion for photography and tinkering and it continues to rage within him to date. 
In his youth, Vladimir meticulously studied digital photo processing programs and constantly followed trends in photography. In the first years of his professional career he was mainly involved in event photography. This experience has been invaluable to him as it developed his sense for lighting difficult scenes and thinking critically on the spot. Meeting people throughout his career gave him the necessary social skills that are crucial for digging deep into the needs of his clients.
His interest in studio lighting and product photography was born when he became a part of Photoschool Bulgaria, where presently he teaches students the secrets of Product Photography. Colleagues in the industry share about him that he is a responsible and talented photographer, as well as a positive and kind person.  
Vladimir's Photography breathes life to the inanimate objects and thanks to the lighting, technique and shooting angles, every single product in front of his camera becomes a star. And just as two lovers dance their first dance, the objects Vladimir photographs dance together with the light from his flashes. Vladimir sees a strong emotion in each object, which he strives to bring forward. 
The love and tought that Vladimir Ladev puts into his photographs contributes to his images attracting attention and being well received. The proof of this is the increase in sales for the brands he works with and them becoming known for using great visuals. Clients say of him that he is a pleasure to work with because he controls the shooting process, pays attention to detail, works smart, skillfully and quickly. Vladimir's photography is world-class, and this makes him a preferred professional by clients who are now launching or already have a well-developed brand, as well as those who are deciding to position themselves in international markets. 
If you also want your brand to develop colorfully with world-class photos, request a free consultation now.
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